Ski Map Wallpaper
We have a fantastic selection of Ski resort Maps, a great way to create a feature wall in your home, holiday property or office.

Tell us your favourite ski resort and your wall size and we'll print your piste map on our self-adhesive wallpaper. Find out more about our wallpaper here.
Our wallpapers are custom-made to your dimensions, we can crop and resize the piste maps to fit your wall. We offer advice and a free* proofing service to enable us to deliver the perfect map wallpaper.
Contact us with your dimensions and your preferred ski resort map and we'll send you a quote and digital proof.
Or call us on 01344 427647 to discuss your requirements.
*As part of our proofing service we will provide up to three proofs free of charge at the company’s discretion. Further proofs will incur a cost based on the number of proofs required and the estimated time for redesign by our cartographers.